We are the largest provider of addiction treatment services in Ireland and we supplied in excess of 200,000 bed nights per annum into the Irish healthcare system pre Covid. In 2019, In response to the escalation we witnessed in gambling related cases and harm, we were delighted to get the opportunity to develop a “ gambling specific” treatment programme at Cuan Mhuire, Athy in partnership with GAT. We are no strangers to the development of bespoke client centered solutions for particular client cohort groups and this initiative has enabled us to reach out to those in crisis because of gambling related harm and their families. The provision of the above residential service has provided recovery opportunities to in excess of 80 clients per annum who would otherwise have not been able to access a “ gambling specific” residential programme.
Our services include:
- Detoxification ( where applicable)
- 12 week residential rehabilitation programme
- One to one counselling
- Group therapy
- Meditation
- Mindfulness
- Lectures
- Gambling specific group therapy delivered on a daily basis by professionally trained staff who have undergone specific skills training in the field.
- Diversional therapy
- Family support/ family conferencing
- Aftercare
- Relapse prevention support.
The service is available to anyone regardless of their means or insurance status. It is funded through GAT funding, some state funding and resident contributions where applicable.
We are a 24/7, 365 service and potential clients are welcome to contact us at any time. Admissions however, are scheduled.
We welcome referrals from any source. These include potential clients, their families, GP referrals or any other allied healthcare professional in the community. We look forward to forging stronger links with community based initiatives that are being developed by GAT.
In addition to this we are running accredited Level 8 (QQI) training at our counselling college at Galilee House, Athy. Our first intake of students took place in January 2022, we look forward to running this training into the future. This training is run in collaboration with Munster Technological University ( MTU).
Further details are available at www.cuanmhuire.ie